Confessional 1989


A secretive terrorist commits crimes to disrupt the peace process between the Irish and the Brits. Both sides want him dead. When he decides to assassinate the Pope and blame it on the U.K., only a musician with a secret past can ...

Todos los títulos
  • UK: Confessional Confessional
  • DK: Confessional: I Herrens Navn Confessional: I Herrens Navn
  • FI: Papin shakki Papin shakki
  • GR: Επάγγελμα: Τρομοκράτης Επάγγελμα: Τρομοκράτης
  • PL: Konfesjonal Konfesjonal
  • PT: A Confissão Mortal A Confissão Mortal
  • ES: Confesiones Confesiones
  • SE: Biktfadern Biktfadern
  • UA: Confessional Confessional
  • DE: Die Beichte des roten Agenten Die Beichte des roten Agenten
Fecha de lanzamiento 04 Oct 1989
Enlace IMDb
